
In the Pelourinho - Uma Americana no Brasil

In the Pelourinho

Salvador_Pipa kid

Menino soltando pipa. Kid flying a kite. Pelourinho, Salvador, BA.

The historic center of Salvador, the Pelourinho, is situated on a hill that forms the “upper city”; the “lower” being the port and markets. Back in the day, the port, situated on Bahia de Tudos os Santos, was incredibly busy with importation of enslaved Africans. Salvador used to be the capital of Brazil once upon a time, so it was the main port for the African diaspora.
Salvador_Angoleira Roda
The Pelourinho was (reportedly) where slaves were purchased and sold, and, as some reports claim, publicly punished at times. Today, it is a UNESCO world heritage site, tourist destinação, and hub for capoeiristas, percussionists, and Brazil-lovers alike. Even Michael Jackson filmed the video to “They don´t really care about us” in the Pelourinho, with help from percussion school, Olodum.
Salvador_MichaelJackson remake

Apparently Michael Jackson still haunts the place…
…just kidding, just kidding. It´s just Mario. Tranquilo.
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Uma Americana no Brasil

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